for Choir and Symphony Orchestra

A Hanukkah Celebration

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Duration: 6 minutes min.

Commission: The Orchestra of the Southern Finger Lakes

Contact us regarding perusal or performance materials.

The text of the piece The miracle of Hanukkah presents the story of Hanukkah to those who are not familiar with Jewish folklore. The text is a translation into English of “Al Hanisim”, a prayer from the Hanukkah liturgy (Sofrim 20:8). To complete the story of the Jewish uprising against the Greeks I have added an extra verse my translation of the liturgy. I have used a traditional folk melody for the “Al Hanisim” prayer as the basis for this symphonic piece. I expanded the chorus and two verses of the original tune to fit a more symphonic structure with an added development section. While the chorus and verse are sung in the original tempo, the second verse is sung by the choir at a much slower tempo after the development section, for greater dramatic effect. The orchestration is light and dotted with solos by the clarinet, a staple Klezmer instrument, and other members of the orchestra: violin, bassoon, and English horn. Much of the inspiration for this piece originates from the period of time in my life when I was playing in the orchestra of Giora Feidman, the famous Klezmer clarinetist.